must conceive that the prime
atom arises out of two opposing
vortices of force gyrating
about each other. These vortices
can be induced to assume a
secondary angular movement
or path.
to the angular movement of
the prime atom arise the different
types of atoms which is just
a spinning, to the spinning
atom which moves in a ;
the type which moves in a
figure; the type which moves
in a
figure; the type which moves
in a
figure, etc.
atoms attract each other,
and can draw together and
adhere to each other by the
facets of their orbits, forming
relationships among themselves.
different types of atoms arise
in the Cosmos and begin to
gather into composite bodies.
Each composite body, as it
increase in size increases
its power of attraction, and
the aggregates of composite
bodies form adjustments among
themselves, so that new forces
arise periodical.
will perceive that we now
have in addition to the great
Ring forces of the Cosmos,
the formation of minute centers
of stability of varying types,
and the continued organization
of the reactions among these
will also perceive that great
phases would have been gone
through in the course of this
evolution, for each new force
that arose had to radiate
out through the Cosmos until
turned back by the Ring-Pass-Not,
and completed its course before
becoming a constant influence
in the Cosmos.
the limits of the Circles
the newly-built atoms would
rocket and rebound for eons
before any co-ordination would
be induced among them. So
as the course of their orbits
would govern the occurrence
of two or more units moving
parallel to each other, where
this occurred their forces
would reinforce each other
and draw yet more into the
orbit of their activity, so
that the mere rebound would
give rise to the ordered recurrence
of influences, and therefore
to definite paths. Let us
remember that the Cosmos is
already organizes in the great
lines of force of the Rays,
and the currents of the Rays
would gradually induce the
great oceans of rebounding
atoms to flow in their track.
So that gradually the uncoordinated
forces are coordinated into
the great tides of the Cosmos,
and though making their own
tangential action, move also
with the great tides.
have spread before you a Cosmos
which arose out of space through
movement, and which is movement
and nothing else; and you
have seen how stresses of
forces generated by these
movements give rise to an
infinite number of vortices,
built upon exactly the same
principle as the Great Vortex
which is the Cosmos, because
the same laws governs all
manifestations of the Cosmos,
being laws of relationship.
You will then see that relationship
occurs between the new Cosmoi
among them selves, built upon
the same principles.
tangetial movements of the
atoms give rise to new Ring-Cosmos,
and the cycle starts anew;
these new universes while
they have the same laws as
the Cosmos before described,
are also influenced by that
framework of the Cosmos which
was built before they began,
this law holds true throughout
all manifestation.
us recapitulate the relationship
between the Rays, the Circles
and the Vortices.
Rays and the Circles are part
of the primary movement of
the Cosmos. These, together
with the Rings, remain constant
in the Cosmos, and are referred
to as the Cosmic Currents.
Vortices are of a different
nature. The primary movements
are circular. The Vortices
start as straight movements,
which, encountering opposition,
assume a secondary circular
is always a pair of forces
concerned in the creation
of the primal atom, and this
fundamental duality extends
into all combinations on which
the atom is the base.