we observe that whenever a
particular sequence or series
of units occurs in the rhythmical
functioning of a movement,
this series acts as the conditioning
framework of whatever subsequent
elaborations and combinations
may be built up upon that
an example, let us say that
a prime movement of an atom
to be a ,
whatever secondary movements
may arise opposeing forces
induce in it a modification
of the prime circular movement,
so the atom, which in its
original movement pursued
a trianglar course, will be
influerenced to pursue a movement
consisting of three spirals
arranged in a triangle.
spiral movement will be executed
under the conditions governing
a segment of its triangular
path. A to B to C and then
back to the A segment, ,
therefore if you know the
nature of the influence of
the A to B segment were, you
would know the nature of the
primary movement underlying
the spiral. This is a principle
underying astrology and is
also the reason why numerology
plays such an important role
in the practical applications
of Cosmic principles.
prime movement of an atom
is a vortex, nothing else;
a spinning round a core of
motionless vacuum. The atom
described is not a prime atom,
it is an elaborate and complex
structure .
It is only when the prime
atom combine togather that
such secondary movements are
set up.
then, an atom can form unions
with as many other atoms as
it has facets. When each facet
has become bonded to an atom,
the group is complete, and
has attained a state of equilibrium
of stress within itself. It
can no longer grow by accretion
but must act as a unit, and
can only form association
with other units of like type
whose angles of stress are
prime atom, as before stated,
is a simple vortex, and the
composite atoms of different
types arise according to the
number of tangential angles
into which the circumstances
of counter influences may
draw the vortices. The votices,
be it noted, first arise in
the angles where the Rays
converge upon the Central
Stillness. It is the close
juxtaposition of the forces
which sets up the secondary
currents. Therefore, in the
sphere which surrounds the
Central Stillness are to be
found the primal atoms. These,
however, soon take on the
secondary tangential movement
and thus form alliances among
themselves by accretion, as
before described.
us recall, that in addition
to the movement of the Rays,
there is the movement of the
Circles about the Central
Stillness. This movement gives
rise to centrifugal action,
and the atoms tend to move
towards the periphery. The
more complex the atom, the
more strongly will it feel
the centrifugal force, so
that the Circles contain atoms
of gradually increasing complexity
as they succeed one another.
These atoms, arising in the
angles of the Rays, when they
feel the influence of the
centrifugal force, go out
along the line of the Ray.
Each atom, then, has in itself
forces of the two Rays which
set up the primal vortex,
and then goes out along the
path of one of these Rays.